Post by BETH! on Aug 22, 2009 19:47:08 GMT -6
Name: BETH! Site Name: UNTIL DARK Site URL: HERE!Banner NO BANNER Banner Size: N/A Main text: N/A Subtext: N/A Pictures to be used: N/A Background, if any: N/A Anything else: N/A Color Palette Skin type: Dark Colors: Blacks,Purples,Greys Background Info: Color Grey and purple,double background Anything else: No Sidebar Images Yes Please Sidebar Titles: - The Opening
- Around Town
- The Changes
- Those Crazy People
- Those Faces
- Talk Box
- The Banner
- The Chosen
- Rating
- Credits
Sidebar Subtitles: - Site Info
- Quicklinks
- The Updates
- The Staffers
- The Spotlight
- C-Box
- Our Banner
- Affiliates
- N/A
- N/A
Anything else: In a fancy text please,and if the person wants to do them with actual images of people use cast of True Blood please,but if you don't,just text then. Other: Site Based from Series True Blood Anything else regarding your skin: I like how there is like a double background with the sideboxes on the first.like THISThe first would be the grey and second like a purple color,thanks :]
Post by Miss Muffet! on Aug 24, 2009 3:38:56 GMT -6
*claims* EDIT: live previewignore the banner, it's just a temp one. XD what do you think? what stuff do i need to change?
Post by BETH! on Aug 24, 2009 11:19:53 GMT -6
Post by Miss Muffet! on Aug 25, 2009 4:45:05 GMT -6
Thanks!!! XD So, how do I go about giving it to you? Should I post the all the code here?
And the cbox table... I think Seija has one over at RPG Collection. Try going to Resources>Proboards Codes...
Post by BETH! on Aug 25, 2009 12:06:27 GMT -6
yeppers that will work and thanks again
Post by Miss Muffet! on Aug 30, 2009 6:10:12 GMT -6
Beth, I'm so sorry for the wait!!! I didn't think I'd get so tired after cheerdancing I couldn't even go to the pc. >.< Here are the codes! GLOBAL HEADER: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].cellSpacing = 0; //--> </script>
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IMAGES: on icon: off icon: background: sidebar background: sidebar info: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarsiteinfocopy.pngsidebar quicklink: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarquicklinkscopy.pngsidebar updates: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarupdatescopy.pngsidebar staff: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarstaffcopy.pngsidebar spotlight: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarspotlightcopy.png sidebar affiliates: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebaraffiliatescopy.pngsidebar credits: i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx19/miss_muffet01/sidebarcreditscopy.pngPlease add this site to the credits: Din Pattern It's the place where I got the pattern from. Also TrueBlood.netis where I got the True Blood images.
Post by BETH! on Sept 1, 2009 18:29:17 GMT -6
oh no prob,I know the feeling.Especialy since school starting back up,but thanks again.Love the skin!!